Welcome to the Baptist Boys High School, Old Boys’ Association (BBHSOBA) ’96 Set website. Please do feel free to browse through the site and if you happen to be an old boy of BBHS 1996 Set, we would be glad to have you register as a user on this website, and join us on our very lively WhatsApp Group.
As well as being a forum for catching up and communication with friends, we will also be using the site to notify you of all upcoming meetings, reunions, and other events. Our main aim:
Alma Mater: BBHS main site at Oke Saje (left), the School moved here in 1970. Old BBHS site at Egunya Hill (right), founded in January 1923. The site is now home to Principal Patterson Memorial Grammar School (PPMGS). Rev. I L. Patterson (pictured left) served BBHS as principal between 1925 – 1944. PPMGS enjoys a close relationship with BBHS.Ex-student Chief Obafemi Awolowo (middle) visited the School in 1956. On his left is Mr E. L. Akinsanya, BBHS first African principal. |